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Start Now Series (How Successful Authors Do It): Part 3. Post a Picture

Aug 21, 2024

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  • Start Now Series (How Successful Authors Do It): Part 3. Post a Picture
A laptop and phone opened up to a social media post, checking how it is performing. The image has hearts and like graphics coming out of the phone

Welcome to Part 3 of our 4 Part Series on building momentum for your book. Way to go! You picked a great time to start learning and implementing some of the most pivotal steps for success into your regular writing routine. As you start out on the publishing process (or even during the writing phase if you’re lucky enough to start that early), you can build relationships and generate excitement for your new book. The sooner in the process you start promoting yourself and your book publication process the better. By including people throughout your process and sharing your experiences with them, you will already have the momentum you need to promote your finished product while it’s still hot from the press. By following these guides, you will build excitement for your book’s release and reach a larger audience of people who are invested in seeing your final product, making your marketing work that much easier.

Let’s walk you through the steps to take a photo on your phone and then post it to social media. We are using Facebook for this tutorial and are assuming you already have your account set up and ready to go.

Step-by-Step Guide to Posting a Picture on Facebook

Step 1: Take the Photo

  1. Open Your Camera App:
    1. On most smartphones, the camera app can be accessed from the home screen or by swiping up/down to open the app drawer.
  2. Frame Your Shot:
    1. Decide what you want to capture. This could be your writing space, a sneak peek of your manuscript, your book cover, or anything that gives a behind-the-scenes look at your writing process.
    2. Ensure the lighting is good. Natural light is often the best, but you can also use indoor lighting or adjust your camera’s flash settings if needed.
    3. Hold your phone steady to avoid blurry photos.
  3. Take the Picture:
    1. Press the capture button on your screen or use the physical volume buttons as a shutter.
    2. Take a few shots from different angles to have options to choose from.

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Step 2: Edit the Photo (Optional)

  1. Open the Photo Gallery:
    1. Find the photo you just took in your phone’s photo gallery or camera roll.
  2. Edit the Photo:
    1. Most phones have built-in editing tools. You can crop, adjust brightness/contrast, add filters, and more.
    2. Focus on making your photo look professional and clear. Adjust the composition if needed to highlight key elements.

Step 3: Post the Photo on Facebook

  1. Open the Facebook App:
    1. Log in to your account if you aren’t already logged in.
  2. Create a New Post:
    1. Tap the “What’s on your mind?” field at the top of the news feed.
  3. Add Your Photo:
    1. Tap on the “Photo/Video” option.
    2. Select the photo you want to upload from your gallery.
  4. Write a Captivating Caption:
    1. Use this space to engage your audience. You could describe the photo, share an interesting tidbit about your writing process, or ask your followers a question to encourage interaction.
    2. Example: “Here’s a sneak peek of my cozy writing nook! This is where all the magic happens. What inspires your creativity? #BehindTheScenes #AlwaysWriting”
  5. Add Relevant Tags and Hashtags:
    1. Tag people or pages if relevant to the post.
    2. Use hashtags to increase the reach of your post. Examples: #AuthorLife, #WritingCommunity, #NewBook.
  6. Post Your Photo:
    1. Tap the “Post” button in the top right corner.

Tips for Effective Photo Posts

  • Be Authentic: Share real moments that give your audience a glimpse into your writing journey.
  • Engage Your Audience: Ask questions, seek opinions, and encourage your followers to comment and share.
  • Consistency: Post regularly to keep your audience engaged and excited about your upcoming book.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to share captivating images that bring your audience closer to your writing journey. Visual content can significantly enhance engagement, making your social media presence more dynamic and relatable.

Stay tuned for Part 4 of our series, where we will delve into posting videos and how visual content can enhance your engagement. Happy snapping and sharing!